Author Topic: Music: Firestorm by Leslie Fish  (Read 1808 times)

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Music: Firestorm by Leslie Fish
« on: October 18, 2013, 10:40:34 AM »
Leslie Fish is a filk artist who in 1989 created an album called Firestorm: Songs of the Third World War.  It's essentially a timeline of the SHTF.  Now, she does have a more hippie, tree-hugger mindset (shocker that I'd like that, I know ;) ) but I think preppers of all strains might enjoy this album.

I don't know if anyone has ever heard the album, but it's one of my favorites.  Unfortunately out of print (though if anyone wants a copy message me - her policy is for the out of print ones, go ahead and share and just send her $10 when you see her at a con), but full of cool prepping stuff.  My favorite songs are "Rhododendron Honey" and "Black Powder and Alcohol".  I put the lyrics of RH below - they're pretty much how I would deal with the "wolf" preppers, I think.  >:D  If anyone's interested I can put up all of the lyrics - I like that some of them are teaching songs, like BP&A and "Blue Bread Mold". 

Track Listing
Better Than Who
Robbing the Poor
Walk Through The Nightside
Teacher, Teacher
Freedom of the Snow
The Paper Sea
Bring It Down
The Day It Fell Apart
Desolation Valley
Hello! Remember Us?
Still Alive
Black Powder and Alcohol
The Discards
Eyes of Eagles
Blue Bread Mold
Heart Like an Axle
Rhododendron Honey
The Digwell Carol

Rhododendron Honey
What do we do for our freedom, oh, what do we do for our corn?
Poor Big Boss Jones an' 'is bully boys came here last Sunday morn.
He marched right into the village square an' grabbed everybody in sight
An' made a big speech about how he'd come to set this country right.
He said that he'd come to save us all from livin' in anarchy.
He'd give us a government an' laws again, the way it used to be.
He swore he'd make this country great like it was before the war,
And all that he wanted was half our crops like taxes was before.
When he was finished, he took his boys and went to the meetin' hall
An' chased out everybody left in sight and moved in one and all.
So we strolled over to the teacher's house and held town meetin' there
To talk 'bout what we were gonna do, just how and when and where.
Early next mornin' the old folks come, all smilin' to beat the band.
They told Boss Jones they were glad he's here, 'n they're proud to shake his hand.
They fawned on him an' his bully boys an' flattered 'em left an' right
An' promised a big feast in their honor in the meetin' hall that night.
That evenin' everyone in town showed up, all bringin' the food an' beer.
Boss Jones, he sat at the head of the table, and all his boys sat near.
Oh, they ate 'n drank 'n bragged no end 'bout what they were gonna do
While they scarfed up rhododendron honey and amanita stew.
Now, we'd been careful o' what we ate, so we didn't take no harm,
But the Boss an' 'is bully boys all keeled over while the coffee still was warm.
We dragged 'em down to the old mine shaft that was dug before the war
An' dropped 'em down there with all the others who'd tried that trick before.
Yes, we remember the world that was and the way that it used to be,
And we'd just rather be left alone; we're used to bein' free.
Don't want no more of laws or bosses, don't want no government here.
I hope they don't come again too soon ... they've tried three times this year
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente

Offline crudos

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Re: Music: Firestorm by Leslie Fish
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 10:55:24 AM »
Looks interesting, pm on the way. Not my usual cup of tea, but I can give Finnish metal a break for a little bit.  :dance:

Offline special-k

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Re: Music: Firestorm by Leslie Fish
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 11:40:20 AM »
I browsed through a few of her songs on YT.  The style doesn't really do it for me, but this one got a chuckle or two out of me:

Gamers (gold) Leslie Fish
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 12:28:19 PM by special-k »
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Music: Firestorm by Leslie Fish
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 01:23:03 PM »
I hadn't heard that one before!  One of my other faves of hers is the Star Trek Banned From Argos.  If you're a fan of ST:TOS you'll get a kick out of it!
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente