General Category > Introductions



Picked up the name in Iraq by a good buddy of mine,  while discussing the subject of survivalist and the zombie apocalypse. If you've seen the series or movie you'll get the drift. Or you can ask another founding member.

Always big into guns, never knew about prepping directly till I got back from Iraq and found my third cousin's uncle lock & load. Always had a go bag though so the seed was already there. 23 father of one and a husband. I too am a black powder enthusiast. I'm an AK Guy aswell however I've shot expert with every weapon in the united states armies inventory

I live in Florida currently, I drive recklessly from the outside but effectively from the in.
I currently work for Critical intervention services making way less than I should but I enjoy my job nonetheless.
Contact me via pm whenever if your curious about anything you'll get my very blunt to the point opinion.

Welcome RvR!

I remember RvR from Mr.L&L days, then StraightPrep and I am stoked that he has made the journey to the other side. He always has a unique approach to many prepper challenges including recipes in time of want. He is a new age Chef!  :zombie:

Welcome man welcome!! :fuckYeah:

Glad to have you here Reaver  :fuckYeah:


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