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North Central Tennessee Here

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I am an engineer/bizmgr and the wife is a surgery nurse. Both retired. I'm into growing tomatoes, cukes, blueberries along with grandkids, energy production, software and amateur radio.  Learning machining.

About 10 years ago we moved from out of state to the Tennessee Cumberland Plateau Exurbs (best Skousen Strategic Relocation Rating east of the Mississippi - 4/5). The plan was to put about 90 miles between us and the big TN metros, but still be 20 from regional city medical/university/restaurant/full services and 6 miles from a milk/bread Mayberry type town.   We bought a nice sized, but disused farm that needed massive clearing, cleanup, dozing and drainage work.

Our prime motivators were to get away from:  State Income Tax, tripling property taxes, exploding city prices, severe political corruption (Equally Dems/Repubs), traffic overload, exponentially growing crime (weekly home invasions in our neighborhood plus MS13 gang bang murders in the local Walmartian store), police speed traps/confiscating cash in traffic stops, psycho neighbors one-upping/screaming/complaining about nothing that have never held a power tool in their lifetime, lack of ethics in general, etc. 

Our new county has 635 sq miles and only 8 deputies per shift are needed to hold things down. Peace Officers vs Police. Total population:  People=22,000 Cattle=66,000.  97% of folks here are of a self sufficient, hard working, spiritual, freedom loving culture that gets things done and want to be left alone. Lots of ex-cops, ex-military and tech people. Don't know of a single HOA. TN Building Codes apply, but septic/electrice/HVAC inspections are all that are required. When I first met the three county commissioners in our district, one was a housewife, the second was a pipeline welder passing out pocket Constitutions and the third was a long time, retired MI expat that told me "This is where we make our stand, there is no place else to go."   Gig fiber went in two years ago which was not available in our last row house neighborhood. The sheriff recently auctioned an AR for a widow's charity. We have met a good number of expats like us moving in from all over and I am happy to say that all have been the type to want breathing space, freedom and see the value of hard work driving small to medium agriculture. Woke Manbuns and Purple Karens view our country culture as redneck, horrifyingly uncivilized, fraught with dirty, sweaty, hard work and keep on driving. Covid came though, but living out on the land pretty much makes it a non-issue 99% of the time.

There are very productive Amish and Mennonite Communities nearby. It is not unusual to find vegetable displays attended only by an Honor Box. The Mennonite Dairy 'slow batch pasteurizes only' so milk tastes like it did in the 1950s.

We are finally home. :thumbsUp:

Welcome jgalt52 to Unchainedpreppers.

There is a great group of folks here, eclectic yes and their knowledge is wide depending on different subjects. Don't be hesitant asking question nor a wall flower if you have experience with an item a UP subscriber needs help with.

Looking forward to hearing more about you growing your tomatoes, cukes, and other things in your garden.

Welcome  :cheers:

   Welcome jgalt52 to Unchained preppers.  The Plateau really is a special place, and Tennessee is a great State in so many ways.  I can't imagine living anywhere else.

    Johny, we're going to have fresh tomatoes for Christmas, thanks to our heated greenhouse.  I was suppose to plant garlic the past few days, but I've been off working on other projects.  Rototilled one of gardens a couple of days ago. Nothing like a mild southern climate.

    jgalt52, you're fortunate to have a fiber connection, we're still on DSL.  Hope to chat jgalt52 soon either in person or on the radio!  Welcome again!

RB in GA:
Welcome aboard from NE GA

Thanks for the greetings!  This forum setup is definitely a cut well above from other forums I have been to based on quality of info, ease of use and features.

Going to spend a little time reading up.   I like it!

I like that heated greenhouse idea, Jackalope.  My daughter bought me a lemon tree about 5 years ago and we bring it into a covered porch every winter. It's about 5' tall now and starting to fruit. Sounds crazy, but it works and got me to buy a small orange tree to match it. Tennessee Citrus ... LOL!  We're hoping to have lemonade for Christmas.  I need to sell that land we are not really using and use the cash to build that before 2x4s hit $80.  ::)


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