General Category > Introductions

I haven't bee around for a couple of years

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I haven't been around in a while.  Figured I should re-introduce myself. 

I've been busy as hell through all the COVID BS.  (Nothing to do with it directly, but just have a job that got a lot harder) 

Starting to slow down a bit, mostly because I'm getting ready to retire.

Congrats on almost getting "cancel-proof" (retired). Still posting new content on bitchute?

Seems like more ppl are willing to learn the important stuff other that flat square range antics. Lotta younglings seem to be "hiking" (patrolling) w friends rather than larping ST6.

Any new stuff planned to come down the pipeline?


--- Quote from: Deathstyle on May 02, 2021, 09:16:41 PM ---Congrats on almost getting "cancel-proof" (retired). Still posting new content on bitchute?

Seems like more ppl are willing to learn the important stuff other that flat square range antics. Lotta younglings seem to be "hiking" (patrolling) w friends rather than larping ST6.

Any new stuff planned to come down the pipeline?

--- End quote ---

I've started moving a lot of stuff to Rumble.  It seems Bitchute isn't as reliable as I want it to be for a long term storage of reference vids.  If stuff doesn't get watched enough after a while it will disappear.  It's great for immediate news, especially if your one of the "big guys."

I've started making new vids recently and have some more planned.  I'll be backing up old vids on Rumble as well.

The website got cancelled (not specifically targeted I think) They wanted to up the price of hosting to a price I wasn't willing to pay.  So I'm looking at options, but kinda building up my viewership from scratch.

Currahee, I was thinking of what had happened with you just the other day. Welcome back! 

For you folks who do not know Currahee, he is the "real deal". He had a great site with many great instructional training and review video's along with great written content.

Retire huh? Well Brother, you are now going to be busier now than you have been for years...Trust me.  :thumbsUp:

Welcome back!  :cheers:


--- Quote from: JohnyMac on May 03, 2021, 09:13:26 AM ---Currahee, I was thinking of what had happened with you just the other day. Welcome back! 

For you folks who do not know Currahee, he is the "real deal". He had a great site with many great instructional training and review video's along with great written content.

Retire huh? Well Brother, you are now going to be busier now than you have been for years...Trust me.  :thumbsUp:

Welcome back!  :cheers:

--- End quote ---

I always figured the articles that went along with my video were the best part of what I did.  I'm trying to figure out a way to get them back up.  Recovery and rebuilding the material is gonna be the hard part... but I like doing that kinda stuff as well.

And now, more than ever.


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