General Category > Introductions

giving a shout from Virginia

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Trail Ninja:
Welcome from Middle Tennessee.

Hope to catch you on the net sooner than later.  Up til now, I've only listened-in on the net, but I hear the General calling my name.


Welcome to the forum!

Sir John Honeybucket:
Noting that we Virginians and near neighbors are all within that IMPORTANT  One-Tank-of-Gas-Distance , we might consider a short, regional net for sharing of regional information.  ERIN does just that with a useful HF plan and operational nets to cover the the usual north/south corridor that contains most of the population and highways which form the 'eastern corridor'. If/when things go SPLAT!, the sharing of information might be rather helpful.

Hams form the long haul HF communications team, and hopefully unite your local MAG with the outside world.  MAGs should have internal, close range (in county or town) communication and at least one or two HF capable hams WHO ARE ALREADY tied into HF preppers' nets (ERIN comes to mind as does AmRRON). This allows rapid close range comms, and sharing of greater regional and national 'intelligence. The close range comms are usually action oriented, while the national HF comm nets fall under 'good to know', but are not often 'actionable'.


Welcome aboard.  I am in Florida.

Frankly, Scarlet... I might give a damn but the "territories"  out in hinterlands like "Arizona" have enough trouble staying connected, even without "sunspots".
Out here, we administer communications with intact telegraph lines or figure the average distance a runner or horseman can make for surefire messaging ("depending on season").   The railroads?   Synonymous with telegraph and extremely vulnerable to the crippling of a watering tower/station destruction for thirsty locomotives or the climbing of a pole without fear of splinters.    Some of our more industrious have been known to topple multiple pole but that takes more time.   And call me anything but "late for supper".


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