General Category > Introductions

giving a shout from Virginia

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Sir John, you bring up a good point about comms, and if you do not mind the delay in 1:1 comms like Felix suggested, then radio is a viable option.

Wrong thread to post this, however, as stated before, I belong to three MAG's. All of which has their sub nets to the ERIN net. The PACE is set up as,

P = Local Repeater (VHF)
A = Alternate local repeater (Usually UHF Don't overlook MURS repeaters if you have any in your area)
C = Phone HF Frequencies
E = Signal app

And to a minor point, there are Brevity codes ready to be used if secrecy is important.

Sorry KB4MCD for this welcoming thread to be diverted. I think I am going to start a new post on this subject, as it is a good one that often overlooked.  :thumbsUp:

Start doing that PACE Va thingie and I will have to get out that radio I bought from pkv and try to figure out how to operate it and get with the neighbor who does those things and use his license to talk and go to school and learn stuff and get a license so I can talk at home and then do other things and stop relying on my tin cans and all that stuff.

Dayum you guys expect alot.

Maybe I just need to learn to operate that thing so I can stay in the loop when things go total bohica in the next season or 2.



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