Communications > Comm Discussion

Ways to communicate

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I noticed in the Communications posts, everything gravitated to radio. I'm a Ham and I'm all for it. That's what I plan to use as my first method. However, when that fails or is not available, folks should look back in history and consider getting familiar with old tried and true methods. Start with beating on a hollow log and waving flags. Maybe runners carrying written messages. Then Morse code using lights. Being prepared with only a plan A is not as good as being prepared with plan B, plan C, and plan D. Now, Im going to sound a bit condescending. When I got my Ham license I actually had to learn the electronics, rules, and code before taking the test and it was at the FCC field office. If you failed, you had to wait 30 days to take it again. The new Hams are going to have a hard way to go In a survival situation. Learning the questions and answers alone will get you on the air and that is the important part. That doesn't mean you are not supposed to actually learn all the other stuff just because you have a license. When things go bad, the first thing you'll ask yourself is, "Why didn't I learn more about this stuff?" When I look back at getting a Commercials Radiotelephone License and my Advance Class Ham license all those years ago, I think, "How could you possibly forget all that crap? Now you're going to need it again, when things go bad".

Great topic for further discussion pkveazey  :bravo:

Next on my amateur radio list of today's is tho learn CW. Do you recommend a course of instruction? Think cheap  ;) There are some great course out there but cost money. I would rather put the money towards a key.

On another note: At the cabin besides radios, we use a big ass bell fastened to one of the columns on the porch. The bell is about a foot high and 8" across. Anyhow, we have worked out some simple codes to use with the bell. Currently we are using time codes like, 1 second of ringing means means X, three seconds of ringing mean Y and so forth. Continuous ringing means "Get your ass back to the cabin PRONTO!.

Rudimentary flares you buy at the marine chandlery could me something. Colored flares would be even better. How about popping smoke? Different colored smoke could mean different things. I have a link somewhere where you can buy smoke grenades.

Anyhow, lets keep this topic going.  :cheers:

when i was a kid, my friends and i had a whistle code - great when you want to send a simple message across a farm field or if someone is in a wooded area.

My great grandpa told us about what a hoot and a holler meant too.  They had simple 'codes' for asking for help or just saying hello - its was the distance it took two people to relay a message.  useful in the low rolling hills of MO in teh US of A.

Well-Prepared Witch:
I love the idea of Runners carrying messages and finding supplies.  If you've ever used the smartphone app Zombies, Run! there's a network of Runners who do that sort of thing and I think it's a great idea in a real TEOTWAWKI.

Don't forget the simple and often overlooked method of sending a letter.  The mail infrastructure is a good, solid one and I don't think it'll easily go away.

We have a few. As kbop mentioned, we also use whistles. I've never really gotten the hang of whistling though so it only really works in close proximity. We use it at home or at the shops, people look at is like we're mad.
My favorite is the color system where we have different meanings for colours and colour combinations. We all carry coloured thumbtacks and glow sticks. the tacks are nice because they're rather inconspicuous, most people would look right past one stuck into a tree, door frame etc.

our mail service doesn't even work now, so I don't see it being viable for us if shtf, unless a few good men were to set it up after the fact.

flares are hard to get hold of here, all explosives are quite heavily controlled. luckily between us we have some...shall we call it "chemistry experience".


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