Communications > Comm Discussion

This Could Be Interesting for Hammies


or whatever ham radio guys are called.


--- Quote ---AVOW Banner
Dear AVOW Members:

Last night I sent out an invitation for everyone to join in on the AVOW Emergency Preparedness Short-Ware net. Quite a few people replied that they were NOT ABLE to see the embedded graphic image that had all the frequencies listed. So I am sending them through as plain text.

This is the content of the embedded graphic for those unable to see it.

Emergency Preparedness HAM & Short Wave Net
Monday Night at 9pm (Mountain Time) 
(Feel free to join us earlier, we try to lock down the freq at 8:30)

All Amateurs (Hams) & Shortwave radio listeners are invited. This net is to give you REAL WORLD PRACTICE on operating your HAM radio or Shortwave Receiver!

We begin the net on
40 Meters at 7.240Mhz

When the 40M check in is done, we move to
80 Meters at 3.905Mhz

When the 80M check in is done, we move to
160 Meters at 1.905Mhz

Each band behaves differently on different nights, so we encourage our members to TRY and participate on each of the 3 bands if at all possible.

For full details on our Emergency Preparedness Net, check

--- End quote ---

Cool. Thx Nemo.

I typically do Bible study on Monday nights and a social gathering afterwords so I probably will miss attending. It would be great if a ham or two from the forum would attend and report back to see how the net goes.


I tuned in on 7240 and could hear them but it was hard to copy. Then they moved to 3905 and it was even worse. I didn't even try to check in. It was just a terrible night for HF.

Thank you for listening in pkveazey. As the winter approaches they may be more readable.  :thumbsUp:


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