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Things that can be traded.

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After many years of prepping, I still come up with items that I'll need and also can be traded to the fools who didn't prepare at all. After Ammo and Food items, I have bought lots and lots of Alkaline Batteries. AAA and AA in particular since not many things use the C and D size anymore. I ordered a couple of hundred each of the AA and AAA batteries. When I was putting them away I noticed 2 Boxes of AA Batteries. Each box has 40 AA batteries. I put the latest one's in the storage box and put the 2 smaller boxes on the shelf for easy access. Also, I have a complete 5000 watt 220 volt AC Emergency Solar system that I will set up when My friend comes over and replaces my back deck. I plan to ground mount it against the Deck because I'm too old to be climbing up on the roof to clean the panels. Yes, I expect power outages to become commonplace to keep the Sheeple in line and obedient. I'll be able to recharge all my neighbors Cell Phones and other useless crap.

Candles n matches. You bulk buy tealight and votive candles at Smart & Final and MICHAELs stores, as well as matches.

I saw purchase votive candles over tealight ones. Matches can also be purchased at Dollar tree.

Selco said fire was a constant cause of needing to barter in his urban setting.

I think small solar lights would be good too, the kind you would put along a sidewalk or something, they make good interior lighting and are rechargeable daily.

 I love my coffee, I perk it on the stove. My old pot was two small for me so I got a 10 cup pot. Now I have an 8 cup pot to trade. Those great electric pots will be useless when SHTF.

All good stuff.

Gas and diesel oil and oil filters.


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