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Is Prepping on the Decline?

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JohnyMac that is exactly the type of response I expected. Thanks to everyone who responded. I realize I don't see all the traffic on any of the sites, I am just comparing what I can see, and traffic appears to be declining over the past year or so. I know that there are a lot of drive-by visitors on any forum that never post. The ebb and flow as you mentioned is normal for any group. I think you are probably right that many folks may be going dark, but still prepping. At least I hope that is so.

I am in Central Georgia. Sadly at present, I am not a member of any identified MAG. I used to be a member of a good one that had 12 dedicated members who met and prepped at a retreat property once a month, conducted regular training activities, and worked on several related projects on the property each year. Sadly about a year ago, there was a personality conflict between a few of the founding members, one of whom was the property owner, and the group decided to disband. Sigh... People can be problems sometimes. This was disappointing since all of the members were good people. I won't go into the backstory as it does not apply here.

I am "aware" of at least three MAGs in this area, some of whom meet on a regular basis. About half of the members are hams. Most of them are what I call social MAGs because they do not seem to have a defined plan for their MAG in a SHTF situation. They usually get together every month or so to discuss prepping topics, but they seldom do any meaningful training, or preparation as a group.

There are also over a dozen preppers in this area who come to a public prepper meeting that one of them runs each month. They tried to form a MAG several years ago, but it never jelled, so they now meet when they can and prep as individuals. The meetings do provide some camaraderie. While I think that they would assist each other in an SHTF situation if they could, there is no agreed-upon plan for this. Interestingly enough, less than 10% of them post to any of the forums I am on, and most say they are not on any prepper forums due to OPSEC, yet several are quite active on Facebook.

I have my own well-defined description of what a "good" MAG should look like, and very few that I am aware of actually meet this definition. That may be skewing my opinion here. I may open a topic on the subject of what defines a "good" MAG for discussion if folks are interested. What do you think?

I seem to have gotten a bit off-topic here. Thanks for listening.


--- Quote from: JohnyMac on September 16, 2023, 08:51:56 AM ---Great question Searchboss and comments from Grizz and Jackalope.

First, about this site. This site ebbs and flows like the tide. As things heat up in the world more people participate. As things settle down less folks participate. With that written UP does average ~7,000 hits a day so someone is coming by. The hits are mostly in our archives section.

Second, I belong to three MAG's. One is in NJ and I act more as a consultant then a member. That group of late has started to break up as people are moving out of NJ for better homesteading area's. One we just lost to SE Alaska as an example.

One group, I will call my home group, is made up of ~10 members. We meet religiously once a month to discuss prepping, politics, and mutual assistance. All members are very active and to be quite honest well squared away. They tend to not monitor prepping sites like they use to. They come to UP almost everyday as a visitor and do not post as they prefer to keep a low profile.

The third MAG has ~30 members, 14 of which are active while the others just hang about for the fellowship. The 14 try to meet once a month for educational purposes and fellowship. We are having another meeting at the end of the month and the agenda is,

> Bee Keeping,
> Solar 101, and
> Hard cider making.

Most of the members are ham radio operators so there will be discussion on that subject naturally.

Last, I would say that before Trump was elected UP was more active. There was members from around the world and 20-30 posts a day was not uncommon. We had close to 1,000 members. Well Trump was elected and many folks stopped stopping by. Many folks I know stopped prepping as they though everything was going to be ice cream and lollipops.

Well I am starting to see those people returning. Not necessarily participating but swinging by to read the posts from the week.   

So there you go. Probably not the answer you were looking for.  :cheers:

--- End quote ---

What part of Alaska, I might be interested in learning more about them

I have "drifted" away from some of the other boards I used to hang out around.  More of a lower profile mentality thought process.


"Pulling in your horns", "going dark", "putting the bear-poking stick away", refraining from "saying shit" even if they've produced  the volume of a mouthful... all great ideas if the aim is to sink a little lower in the pool of "subjects of interest visit priority".
Who knows... maybe your "outspoken" neighbor will have "The Stack" as his door first before they think of doing you at o'dark-thirthy in the morning.
Wear you chains lightly...

Remember Patrick Henry?
"Give me liberty or give me death".
He lived in an "all hands on deck" time - it mattered.   Really mattered.
It matters now.
and then there was:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out?because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out?because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out?because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me?and there was no one left to speak for me."

?Martin Niem?ller

I did not stop or reduce my political activities. 

I have reduced my publication of prep type activities.



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