Site Suggestions/ Questions/ Comments/Debugging > Help a brother prepper out

Is Prepping on the Decline?

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"I have reduced my publication of prep type activities."
And for me, I've never really published much of my "prepping" activities.
Those I have shared here.   And with a handful of neighbors.
The drive to use cash expands.
What we do should have some OpSec.
I think what we say politically though... should be "over the top" - as in fearless against the machine guns they are currently outfitting the IRS with.
I have seen how contagious fear and panic is.   I _hope_ courage, speaking the truth, the act of denying an inch of ground to our would-be-slave-masters might also snag a few.

I think a few of my friends are just now starting to prepare but will not be ready when the SHTF. I started in 2008 and went at it full blast. I bought everything under the sun that I thought that I would need to survive. Since then, I've add an item or two when I see something that I think I might need. Mostly, in today's world, I seem to just buy extra items, so I don't run out of something. No matter how much crap I stockpile, we all know that we will still get caught short on something.

Food for thought...

August 2023, UP averaged 5,966 page views a day.
September 2023, 17-days in, UP is averaging 7,272 page views a day. 

Looking at past years, August is always lite. I suspect because of vacations and other summer events.

No way to tell if those were webcrawlers bots, or some other type of non-human visits is there?


!005 correct Nemo.  :thumbsUp:

A portion of that are folks that have auto upload to their news feed acct. daily.


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