On the face of it, what could be more ludicrous than "keyboard warrior/diplomats" presuming to judge and predict matters of a country on the other side of the world who speak languages we don't? What access do we have to intel of depth, quality and newness, compared to our "betters"?
And yet.
Like with blind men describing the elephant, each touching a different part, a picture emerges.
Yet a funny thing... these blind, isolated and insulated men _are_ able to suss out truth and probabilities.
Thanks to the inept, mendacious, even treasonous behaviors and decision making of the current DC occupants, I have come to firmly believe...we'd get better government if all of the Congress-critter's positions were filled by people whose name was drawn randomly from the phone book.
"This will not play well with this group however...When Russia enters the Ukraine, I hope O' Biden supports the Ukrainians (NATO) with heavy weaponry but not US soldiers."
From what I see over at American Partisan, former US soldiers (once a Marine, always a Marine?) are tired of spilling their blood over "neo-conservative", "military/industrial complex", "New Word Order" dust-ups instigated by fools and thieves.
I am too.
Agree, no US soldiers should be on front lines. But what does this mean to NATO then? And does it even matter if NATO has become a caricature or dead letter?