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University Student Israel Protests - Occupy Wallstreet Redux

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I have been watching the pro Hamas protests at our universities for several weeks now. These protests are growing in popularity and have grown from just plain old liberal student protests to something more. These protests are marching right up to the line of Germany's Kristallnacht.

I suspect that the same people that were behind Occupy Wall-street in 2011 and ANTIFA/BurnLootMurder Inc., during the 2020 presidential cycle. With school coming to a close, where will this movement move too? I suspect urban centers that are managed by liberal governance in Blue states. We have seen already that Florida's Governor is not putting up with it and has had the police arrest individuals that block traffic.

I bring this up to read what you think in general. Then what will you do if anything if you are stuck in a traffic jam due to the coming protests? What will you do if cinder blocks start to be dropped from overpasses or other assorted mischief?

The time is coming folks. Now is the time to roll-play on your response to minor and major disruptions.


The "protests" Have become MUCH more violent and it won't be long before blood is spilled

I plan on getting some pepper spray if they block my path. I'm pretty sure the troopers around here will get involved long before any traffic backup occurs though. We dont have any over passes in my part of the state so thats not an issue. If lives are threatened, we are allowed to defend ourselves and I pray it doesn't come to that

BTW, watching these protest it is obvious to me that the many of them are professional protestors, NOT students. The students are simply sheep being led to the slaughter so easily because they are sheep, not thinking human beings.

     Like Ol' Remus always said, "Avoid Crowds."  I take it a bit farther and say, "Avoid Urban Areas."  Folks should be thinking about situational awareness, with their heads on a swivel.  I also avoid college towns, doing my shopping elsewhere, which will hit shop keepers in the bottom line.  Actions have consequences, and if there's a big enough economic impact, it will incentivize people to act.  I have started to see pushback by innocent folks. 

     Jews are once again being made the scapegoats.  Maybe it's time for Arabs, illegal aliens, and Muslims to become targeted, rather than the Jews.  And maybe it's time for American Jews to wake up and realize that their "comrades" aren't helping them, but instead these "comrades" are instigating attacks on innocent people.

     Folks trying to be prepared should be thinking about supply chain issues too.

Jackalope, I agree that USA Jews need to wake up and move from Biden to Trump.

Call me crazy but...American minorities are waking up when it comes to Trump vs. Biden. Our MSM is trying their upmost to dis-energize MAGA. Don't believe anything you hear from them instead, do your own investigation and watch folks around you.

Now, will Trump make it to the November 5th election? His VP pick is super important for the following reasons,

> Needs to be someone that can help or take over the role if Trump doesn't make it with a "drain the swamp" attitude and,
> Needs to be able to run in 2028.

Stay tuned,


An attempt to "JFK" Trump will be made the moment those currently calling the shots calculate that their efforts to steal another election will be inadequate.
Our existential enemies have absolutely no plans on "losing".   Gracefully or otherwise.


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