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University Student Israel Protests - Occupy Wallstreet Redux

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--- Quote from: JohnyMac on April 23, 2024, 05:03:51 PM ---Jackalope, I agree that USA Jews need to wake up and move from Biden to Trump.

Call me crazy but...American minorities are waking up when it comes to Trump vs. Biden. Our MSM is trying their upmost to dis-energize MAGA. Don't believe anything you hear from them instead, do your own investigation and watch folks around you.

Now, will Trump make it to the November 5th election? His VP pick is super important for the following reasons,

> Needs to be someone that can help or take over the role if Trump doesn't make it with a "drain the swamp" attitude and,
> Needs to be able to run in 2028.

Stay tuned,


--- End quote ---

I think most people look at their historical voting practices more like rooting for their favorite team and their team must win at all costs VS doing what is best for the Country.

Trail Ninja:
Is it anyone's guess as to what will happen between now and November or should we count on organized rallies and more of the same looting, arson and violence we saw a couple years ago in the name of free spreach?  There's a lot of chatter about what will happen between now and then from increasingly reliable YouTubers who have stepped up their reporting and investigative teams.  Folks from Survival Dispatch, Mike Glover, and Christian Warrior Training, are echoing reports from three letter agencies that there are credible threats from foreign organizations in the Homeland; (especially places of worship,  Christian churches).  Christian Warrior reports all known attacks on churches, pastors and church goers: shootings, stabbings, and violence are on a big uptick.  MSM is another problem.  If its not reported, how will the general public know it happened and how to prepare for it ?  I guess that's their plan.

My thoughts... it's once again a time to be active in our preps.  The intel is out there if you look, supplies are still readily available, Amazon still delivers, travel is still easy, store shelves are full, water and fuel still flow out of the spicket, pewpews and ammo are abundant... we prepare for when they're not.  Sure, Nothing may come of these threats, but we're all seasoned enough to know what Could happen by November and beyond if the threats go HOT. 

Living in a college town, with a relatively high population density,  I'm taking this as seriously as my time and resources will allow.  But still trying to find balance.   And I haven't even mentioned Revelation.

While all this is going on at the schools we need to keep our eyes open to anything else that may be going on and using the protests as a distraction.

Another thought - Could this be a practice run for the terrorists? They create havoc now, take notes on the actions (reactions and non-actions) of the authorities and media in order to create a master plan for election time.

BTW, when I say "terrorists" I include the alphabet agencies in out own govt. along with foreign actors such as china, russia, iran, hamas, isis, hezbola, etc... They all want to destroy this Country and our Constitution/Bill of Rights

In our Western world, going, going, gone mad... collapse marked by violence seems inevitable.
And so it may be.
But for those who say "The center cannot hold"...
I say the _we_ are the center.   And that yes, we _will_ hold.

Whatever happened to the "WATER CANONS"? For some sick reason, I used to love to watch the police using water canons in the 1960's Viet Nam Protests. :chuky:


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