The other day, I had the occasion to have one of our County Deputies come to my house for a minor issue. He was a really nice guy and needed to come inside for a few minutes, which was OK with me, under the circumstances. I warned him that I was a Prepper and he was going to see a ton of Boxes of Prepper supplies from floor to ceiling in one room. Anyway, just before he left, I was giving him some economic collapse advice and some issues that his office might have with communications when the SHTF. They have digital radios that go through Cell Towers (Big Mistake). They do have the ability to switch their radios back to analog. Anyway, I told him that if they get themselves into a bind and can't get analog radios, I would be glad to share a bunch of my Handi-talkies with them. He didn't get to go into my Radio Shack but I did tell him that I was a Ham Radio Operator and If they had any Communication problems, I was capable of handling Radio traffic on just about any frequency if they needed it. He was very receptive to my prepping ideas and just before he left, he said that he would be coming to see me if there was a collapse. I laughed and said, "Yeh, everybody says they're coming to my house when the SHTF." Anyway, I also told him that he should give some serious consideration to starting to stack some physical Silver if he could because Hyper Inflation was going to be a real problem real soon. Of course, I didn't reveal how much Silver I have but I did tell him that even though I have some Silver, I'm not floating in it. Before you ask..... No, I did not talk about weapons or ammunition even though there were a couple of 9 mm carbines and 22 caliber rifles resting against one wall. He didn't ask and I didn't tell. I'm of the opinion that local law enforcement should know where they can get some civilian assistance but they don't need to know all your personal business. Oh, I did explain that I have DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) capabilities through a local repeater 15 miles north of me. When the Cell towers go down, the DMR repeaters might still be up and operating.