Author Topic: American Revolution Redux - The Second Shot Heard Around The World  (Read 294 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Think about it, we are experiencing American Revolution Redux. The second shot heard around the world which started on November 5, 2024. It was the first shot of a peaceful revolution approved by 77-million American Citizens. A revolution that was not begun with bullets and death but with pen and ballot. Our founding fathers must be watching from heaven and giving each other high-fives.

The American Revolution Redux is using a ?shock & awe? battle plan not unlike the air assaults at the beginning of the Iraq war, March 2003. First the air assault then troops on the ground. In today?s case, Trump is providing the political air strikes, and his Cabinet will be the troops on the ground.

The American Revolution Redux will be a long-fought battle due to the corruption in D.C. being so deep. Like a cancer that has had years to grow and wrap around more and more organs of the body of our government. The American Citizens will be called upon to help in this war too. They will be encouraged to not go back to sleep like they did in 2017 with Trump 1.0. Currently, the American Citizens have risen to the occasion and spoken up as can be seen with the Senate?s automated answering service system crashing periodically over the past two weeks. Only time will tell however, will you keep it up?

This American Revolution Redux will get ugly as the MAGA troops expose the corruption that we all know is present. Yes, there will be people that are prosecuted and probably go to prison. There may even be people that die which is sad but expected in any revolution. Will the American Citizens be strong as the battles play out? I think so because they will see how deep the cancer goes.

Not unlike when you corner a raccoon or rat, stand your ground to eliminate the threat to your livestock. Now is not the time to take the foot off the accelerator. Full speed ahead Citizens. We are doing it for our children and children?s children. And to a small degree, we are doing it for the citizens around the globe. Not-unlike we did in 1775 at the battle of Lexington & Concord when the shot was heard around the world.

73 & God Bless

Stay tuned
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Offline grizz

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Re: American Revolution Redux - The Second Shot Heard Around The World
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2025, 01:28:20 PM »
.:: We SaluteOur Veterans ::.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: American Revolution Redux - The Second Shot Heard Around The World
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2025, 10:43:27 PM »
    And that shot started a war.  I see re-dux of another war, a civil war.  I?ve noticed that the opposition is getting better organized and more vocal.  The kinetic action is just waiting for ?trigger? event.  I?m guessing the action will ramp up when the warmer weather arrives.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: American Revolution Redux - The Second Shot Heard Around The World
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2025, 07:58:34 AM »
Yes Jackalope, I agree. Warmer weather will be the key for sure.

It's interesting that MAGA has hit hard at the mothers milk of the corruption, the USofA teat. This is one of the many battles within this war; and boy O' boy it is a big one.

Money is the fuel that feeds the evil amongst us.

Hopefully, Trump and America's team has situationally planned out what will happen when the SHTF and we aren't even close to that yet. I mean REAL SHTF.

I suspect that it will circle around money at a global level. Yes a crash of the markets at some point. Then some war somewhere around the globe. This would certainly slow down the MAGA agenda as focus inward changes to outward.

Because many Americans are focused on our own country we are failing to watch the ridgeline ahead. There are forces spiritually bigger than the 77-million MAGA Army that want things to go a certain way globally, not the way it is starting to go today. The old oligarchy and the new elites will not allow it. "They" have to stop it. After all, it is "their" time too. To fish or cut bait...To shit or get off the pot.

Stay tuned Brothers and Sisters.

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Offline grizz

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Re: American Revolution Redux - The Second Shot Heard Around The World
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2025, 11:35:40 AM »
The left wing commie elites are ramping up and calling for "fighting in the streets" -
.:: We SaluteOur Veterans ::.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: American Revolution Redux - The Second Shot Heard Around The World
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2025, 12:49:30 PM »
Yupper Grizz and the protesters will be paid by our tax dollars through a NGO.

Stat tuned,
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.