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Eclipse Plans?

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I am watching it.  Got specs and all.  I am in about 85% coverage area and went to West KY in 2017 and watch it at full coverage then.  It was amazing.

Looking forward and planning on being around for the next one in about 20 years.

Hope to see you all still here then too.

Although I have seen some predictions as this is the beginning of the next age, second coming, WW3, ET visiting here so he can phone home and all those.

I am sticking with a cool planetary event that has happened before and will again.  But keeping close to home this time.


I'm in Alaska, we get enough dark days during the winter months so this is no big deal. Even if it was visible up here I would not do anything different.

Although I did read a joke about a guy buying inflatable dolls, filling them with helium and let them go during the event just to watch the people freak out over the rapture. I'm a believer in Christ so to me it could happen at any time but I did get a chuckle over the statement

The only thing I am going to do is to put my one HF radio that is out into the faraday cage. There is a comet, I think that is supposed to come over during the eclipse. The last time this happened was like 1811-12 and there was some electrical issues. I do not understand what electrical issues as batteries were a new thing at that time.

Ask Bidens energy dept. They will educate you on the power issues back then.  It caused all the Hoover Dam generators to fry and need replaced.   Fried a bunch of electric cars too.

Where do you think the Budget Deficit started? 


My plans got radically changed.  I woke up this morning with breathing difficulties, each breath is agony.  Went to one of the local emergency rooms, and it was determined that I have a case of pneumonia.  Of course, the ordeal took over 6 hours, so I missed the high point of the eclipse, but we weren't in totality area anyways.  I was given the choice of staying in the hospital or going home and taking antibiotics.  So, I'm home taking it easy over the next few days.


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