Author Topic: CAR GEAR  (Read 1444 times)

Offline pkveazey

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« on: August 06, 2024, 08:46:30 PM »
Just after the ERIN Phone Net finished, I looked at the pile of stuff that I had laying on the floor of my Hobby Room and decided to pick it up and put it away. When we went on vacation, I had to clear out a ton of Bug Out stuff from the SUV so the Suitcases would fit. In Winter, I keep two particular items in the back just in case I get stranded. I bought one of those really heavy furniture movers' blankets and 2 Winter Coverall suits. One for me and one for the wife. I got to thinking about what I paid for that stuff years ago. I think the Blanket was about $15 or $20 bucks. I remember paying about $39 each for the Winter Coveralls. Today, those Winter Coveralls cost about $90 each. I'm glad I bought them when I did. Last week when I had the Flu, I wrapped myself up in the Furniture Blanket and sweated the Flu out. Yep, those blankets are super warm. Now I've got to figure out when and how I'm going to also put the huge BUG OUT storage bin back in the SUV. Right now, it's sitting right in the middle of the Living room floor. By the way, both the blanket and the Coveralls are CAMO.

Offline Deathstyle

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« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2024, 08:21:47 AM »
Right now I just have a vehicle tool bag, bottle of Cabo Waco tequila, Tactical Tailor first responder trauma bag (filled),a gym bag for work clothes and another clothes bag for social n casual life, a work bag that could be emptied out and turned into an improvised Get home bag.

Plan to create a new dedicated get home bag and have ability to empty work bag and stock it up to hand over to coworker to use as a get home bag.
"Blackouts are God's way of saying, 'Don't worry 'bout it".

Offline Defiant_Faith

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« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2024, 02:28:09 PM »
We have a storage bin with a large backpack in each vehicle, this is our Get Home/Bug Out Bag. Every March (Spring Break) we go through the bags and update items, as the kids grew, larger clothes would be added for them, etc. I am much more comfortable going out knowing that we have these items with us.