Author Topic: DJI Drone Review  (Read 4972 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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DJI Drone Review
« on: February 14, 2024, 09:43:53 AM »
I pulled the trigger on a drone for the redoubt. Based on a excusive research and some advise from FeedingFreedom, I purchased a DJI Mini Pro 4.

With the mini 4, I also purchased the upgrade package which included two more high capacity batteries, which last ~45-minutes vs. ~30-minutes on the standard batteries, a controller with a screen so I do not have to use a smartphone to operate, extra blades, a segmented carry bag, and a few other bennies. I also purchased a micro mini memory card to save the images of my flight (Video or still pics) and an insurance policy.

The insurance policy was $128- but basically it covers 4-crashes over a 2-year period that might disable the drone.

Using the following video as a tutorial, I flew my new toy last Friday with an audience of about 10 chickens, my neighbors German Shepherd, and two cats who sat there patiently following my antics. I am glad that I am the local entertainment for the critters.

Everything went well but I did find out quickly that wind at higher elevation can be a challenge with this drone...Maybe all drones. The higher capacity batteries seemed to drain a bit faster than advertised.

With only once playing with the drone (The Weather has not been cohesive to flying a drone of late) it is pretty awesome. Bottom-line, flying the DJI mini 4 pro is foolproof. You have to really try to do something stupid.

Once the weather clears up, I will have an addendum to this review.

Now, why drop $1,300- for a drone? The pure and simple reason is security. Think of it as a quick patrol sent out to investigate a noise or, walk your property.

More to come.  :coffeeNews:

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Offline Jackalope

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Re: DJI Drone Review
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2024, 10:13:41 AM »
     Thank you for the review, Johny!  I like the insurance concept, I wish they had that when I purchased mine.  I have an older DJI drone and a few others.  They are definitely a force multiplier.  I purchased mine primarily for patrol and scouting.  The downside of drones is their dependence upon favorable weather.  I need to practice with mine more frequently.  Drone flying is a perishable skill, much like shooting.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: DJI Drone Review
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2024, 04:51:12 PM »
I gave serious consideration to buying a nice drone. Then I read some of the craziest FAA rules and figured I'd pass on it because just having 2 acres with 1-1/2 acres as open land didn't work for me. I still would like to have one, but I just can't justify it.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: DJI Drone Review
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2024, 05:26:40 PM »
If the drone is under 250 grams no FAA license is needed. There are some regulations like you are not "supposed" to fly above 400' or you are not "supposed" to send your drone farther than 5K from home. Again "supposed" too. I suspect the closer you get to an airport then bells & whistles start up.
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