Author Topic: Water!  (Read 1017 times)

Offline Jackalope

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« on: March 24, 2020, 08:14:37 PM »
    My little homestead is currently on a County water system, and we're charged a monthly rate, which increases if we go over 2000 gallons per month.  The County water is okay, but we do filter it for drinking.  We've also had service interruptions.  With the current world situation, we thought it would be a good idea to have some alternative water sources.

     We have a couple of seasonal streams which bisect and border our property.  We also have a spring fed pond, which harbors our many goldfish.  Even with these two potential sources, we continued to consider additional water sources.  One day during this past winter, my four legged faithful companion and I happened upon a seep, which was bubbling out of the ground.  Further examination revealed a good flow which ultimately drained into one of our little creeks.

     I did a substantial amount of research regarding how develop a seep into a viable water source.  There's lots of information regarding developing springs, but very little about seeps.  I finally found a website of a company that manufacturers and sells equipment to develop seeps and springs.  Their website is:   Please note, I'm just a satisfied customer, and I have not received any kind of compensation from them. I purchased their water collection system, which is essentially a hard, durable plastic dam with a couple of bulkheads installed.  I scooped out the area where the water was bubbling up, and then installed the dam.  The site of the spring is a natural bowl lined with stones.  The sides of the dam were abutted against stones, and then filled with clay to reduce leakage.  The water collection pipe and the overflow pipes were then installed on the dam.  The interior of the dam filled with washed gravel, and the outside of the dam was braced with gravel as well, with gravel ultimately filling the entire bowl, except a back flush pipe, which is occasionally used to add bleach to the water source.

     There are two 1" pipes passing through bulkheads in the dam.  The lower pipe is the water source output, while the upper pipe is for overflow.  In times of very high flow rates, the water will pass over the dam and through the gravel bed too.  The gravel bed is then covered with plastic, and then a layer of soil, and grass seed is planted in the soil bed.  The flow at this point is about 5 gallons per minute.  Because of the topography, there isn't much head, so I have the pipes simply draining into a a small pool I've scooped out of the original seep stream bed.  At some point, I'd like to do something more, but I haven't decided what to do.  I'm not sure if this is a year round seep, so I don't want to spend beaucoup bucks on a source with limited usage.  So, I'm open to suggestions as to the best way to develop it.  Right now we simply put a bucket underneath the pipes and fill it up.

      During the summer months we use a substantial amount of water due to our livestock and numerous gardens.  Again, trying to avoid using the municipal water system, we decided to install a rainwater tank.  My Dad gave me a couple of IBC tanks, which generally hold about 350 gallons of water, which is substantially more than a typical rainwater tank.  350 gallons of water weighs more than a ton!

      We already had a gutter system, which collects water from over 700 square feet of roof area.  We just needed to divert it into the tank.  I constructed a pedestal to support the tank, using gravel and deck blocks for the foundation.  The pedestal itself was constructed out of treated lumber, using 2x4's and 4x4's.  I sourced a drain adapter spout from Amazon that allows you to connect a regular garden hose to the IBC tank drain.  The tank itself has a shut off valve, and I added another one to the drain adapter, for extra insurance.

      The tank is approximately 8 feet off the ground, and it's situated adjacent to our back porch, so I can conveniently activate the valves by simply reaching through the porch railings.   The proximity to the porch also allows me to add bleach or other disinfectants to the tank.  I used a flexible downspout to divert the water directly into the tank.  The gutter has a wire mesh filter to blocks large pieces of debris.  At the top of the tank, a mosquito netting was installed, which will hopefully curtail the pests, and also block smaller pieces of rood debris.

     We're not planning on using the rainwater for drinking water, but it does provide an alternate, if needed.  We need to get the seep water tested at some point, but again it's another alternative.  It's nice being water self sufficient, if the need arises.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Water!
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2020, 11:07:13 PM »
cool write up!

Offline NCislander

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Re: Water!
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2020, 07:33:37 PM »
I too have a number of water catchment items in place from Carolina Water Tank. Mine has been in place and providing 100% of our water on the property. Feed is from a Mountain Spring, gathered before it rises out of the mountain, then pumped into two 2400 gallon tanks for gravity feed into the house. Lift above the house is about 175'.  I have never tasted water any cleaner and pure. Mountain Springs.  :thumbsUp:

And also no sponsorship from anyone, just stating what works.  Nice writeup Jackalope.
Carolina Water Tank - Good folks to work with.

Offline patriotman

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Re: Water!
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2020, 09:38:13 AM »
This is AWESOME! I love that it made it to AP. Keep up the great posts!
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Psalm 144:1-2