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Laundry Detergent - Fels Naptha-Soap

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MrsMac and I were in the grocery store yesterday buying what we needed for the week AND additional preps. I noticed that Fels Naptha-soap was only 99? a bar. I also noticed that there was only 6-bars left in a spot could have housed 48-bars. I bought all six bars. Mmmmm, I wonder if others are thinking like I am.

My grandmother use to tell me stories of the Great Depression as I grew up. One of the stores was using Fels Naptha-soap.

She told me that she use to whittle off a palm full of the soap with a penknife she kept for this function next to the washing machine, and throw it into the washing machine. Then add to that a 1/2 cup of 40-mule team Borax and or a similar amount of baking soda- About 1/2 cup. Viola, she had soap for her Monday wash. She told me that they sold regular clothes machine soap at the grocery store, but it was far more expensive than her soap formula.

As modern day clothes machine soap goes up in price at the same rate as petrol, I am preparing to still have clean clothes. Here from Origional Homesteading is a bit different recipe than my Grandmother used. I like the idea of adding a scent. Maybe, 'doe in heat urine' during hunting season.  :lmfao:

--- Quote ---SMALL BATCH Amounts:

> 1 Bar of Grated Soap
> Borax - 2 Cups
> Super Washing Soda - 2 Cups
> Oxi-Clean or Store Brand - 2 Cups (optional)
> 40 drops of Essential Oils (optional)

For Hard Water add 2 Cups of Baking Soda
Carefully mix to combine and store in a sealed jar or container
--- End quote ---

Remember, cleanliness is next to Godliness. During your next trip to the grocery store, pick up some for your preps.

Sir John Honeybucket:
Decades ago, I used Lirio laundry soap from the corner Mexican Mom & Pop shop and though it was listed as a laundry soap, it did a great job on my hands from working on machinery.  If you have a Mom & Pop Mexican shop , have a look. Back then, their prices were very good, but now on Amazon, it's as expensive as everything else.


RB in GA:
I make my detergent 5 gallons at a time using a similar formula. Grated Fels, Borax, baking soda and/or Arm and Hammer washing soda. I used to add oxi-clean, but then decided it was an unnecessary expense. I also toss in whatever slivers of soap are left over from bar soap in lieu of essential oils.  If a load needs it I'll add peppermint or wintergreen oil directly to the wash load. A truly stinky load gets extra strength cleaning vinegar instead.
I usually buy the Fels in case lots, and the Borax in 50 lb bags. I also buy the baking soda in 40-50 lb bags when I can find it. Otherwise I get the 14.5lb A&H bags.
I find this saves a good bit of money over pre-made detergents, even factoring in labor (if such a thing matters to you).
As an aside, my wife tends to think this is taking prepping a bit to far and is silly of me, but since I make it and she doesn't- its a non-issue.

Cool beans guys.  :cheers:

Seems widely available but prices substantially above those noted here.


specific deal


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