Author Topic: Glock grip chop.  (Read 6391 times)

Offline tominphx

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Glock grip chop.
« on: November 01, 2012, 04:35:02 AM »
I decided to chop the grip on my g17 to take g19 mags. I didn't do a straight across cut, I left the backstrap. I think it came out pretty well.

Not only can I now use any of my pistol mags in any of my pistols, but my 17 is much more concealable.

I'm pretty happy with the result, and it wasn't difficult at all. All I needed was a dremel, and lots of patience.

The easiest way I found to make sure I didn't go to far, was to take the baseplate off a 19 mag, insert it into the magwell, and dremel around it. Than just take a little off at a time, until the full 19 mag fit.

The korean 19 mags don't drop free, but korean 17 and all my factory mags do drop free just fine. Not a big deal, and I don't count on mags dropping free in a fight anyway.

I may fill in the backstrap and round it off for better concealment and comfort when carrying IWB in the future.
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Offline thatGuy

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Re: Glock grip chop.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2012, 10:01:30 AM »
Take a look at the top pistol.

See the scallops he cut in the side of the frame? I don't understand why Glock doesn't to this at the factory, I for one would like to be able to make an honest attempt at ripping a mag out of a Glock if it came to that.

You can also see how they have moded the trigger guard on the bottom one to eliminate the dreaded 'Glock Finger.'

Tom, it is super cool that you sacked up and fixed what you saw as a problem. You did great, it looks fantastic! Keep 'em coming!

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: Glock grip chop.
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 10:09:01 PM »
How does the modded length grip do with firing?  I would assume it is just like a 19, only a longer backstrap.  That is a pretty badass idea to eliminate the restriction FROM using 19 mags in your 17.
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Offline gapatriot

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Re: Glock grip chop.
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2012, 10:15:39 PM »
I LOVE IT!!! Its great to see people modify TOOLS to work for them rather than the TOOL working them. Yes guns are tools, just like a wrench or screw driver and they should be treated as such.

Offline Kentactic

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Re: Glock grip chop.
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 10:32:55 PM »
Looks good. As a bonus now you have a lot of realestate to rip out full size mags too.
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Offline tominphx

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Re: Glock grip chop.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2012, 04:06:25 AM »
Thanks guys!

I already have removed the "bump" from under the trigger guard, just not as extreme as others have, I may do more in the future, but I have small hands and already have a permanent glock knuckle anyway, so it feels fine to me. Although it has been a while since I shot anything like 1,000+ rounds in a day, so that may come in the future as well.

It's better than a 19 grip when firing, since my pinkie can rest on the front of the base plate if i stretch my hand out, and there is more back strap. It was also done to make the gun more concealable more than anything, since it's my training gun, and gets shot more than my 19, which is more my carry gun, but I usually carry the 17 to and from where I am shooting, and I am very adamant about keeping my pistol concealed. The full grip 17 would print significantly more than the 19.

Being able to rip out 17 mags was also something I realized pretty quick. I do plan on getting some vickers base plates, especially for my "game time" factory mags, especially after experiencing some hard malfunctions with my glocks. Although I am not a fan of scalloping.

And yes, it is a tool, like most of my guns, it has scratches and wear marks. Although I have to say, the backstrap on my 17 is looking a little grody, lot of dead skin and gunk, maybe I should run the frame through the dishwasher lol.  At least it doesn't look like Dave Borrensen's ashy ass 17.

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Offline thatGuy

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Re: Glock grip chop.
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2012, 11:21:56 PM »
Is it wrong that I got a half stack reading that?